Weekly Status 2

  • Finished Codeacademy Python track. Will miss you dearly, spoon-fed in-browser baby food. I’ll probably go back to Codeacademy and work on Ruby once I get bored with Python/javascript.
  • Forgot I signed up for a Python coursera track so doing that right now. So far just kind of rehashed a bunch of junk I already know pretty well but with a little more diligence. Sped the videos up to 1.5x but watched them
  • up to ex43 in learn python the hard way.
  • Updated passdown.py
    • fixed some inefficiencies in the code
    • added html color coding to the graph email, green/yellow/red depending on the severity of the problem
    • date shows up in the subject line of the email
    • figured out how to make it a windows executable, but haven’t finished wrapping it in an installer. If I could do that dad might actually use it

I give Codeacademy a hard time, but the tougher exercises pushed me and gave me confidence to work on passdown again. I feel a little more comfortable with coding in general this weekend. Getting your hands codedirty can be intimidating, especially when I’m reading all this stuff about how important foresight is for your sanity in this vocation, but learning by doing (making mistakes and fixing them) is more useful for me than stressing over immaculate design. That said, I am still trying to get a nose for code smell.

For passdown, I think the next steps would be incorporating more list comprehensions, enumerate (how the hell do I access the number for the table though?), and above all, getting it in an installer. I got as far as getting WinPython and the other thing, but boredom set in while I was removing all the esoteric packages I didn’t need.

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